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San Diego Beach Trip- Day in the Sun!

Because we are absolutely CRAZY we decided to do San Diego in one day....again. HA. Okay so let me back up here. In April we drove from Phoenix to San Diego to go to the zoo and then back again. It was almost a 24 hour day with zero stopping. So fun. So exhausting.

And because we had so much fun we decided to do it all over again but with the beach this time. So we woke up at 3 am. and made the 5.5 hour drive.

Already exhausted halfway through the day!!

This trip wasn't just spontaneous, it was for Dorian's 11th birthday. I'm still not sure that I've recovered from him actually turning 11. I think I have ten more gray hairs and a boat load of anxiety over it. As he keeps reminding me, two years and he's a teenager. Urghhhhh. Nooo!!

He had a great time! We took snacks and drinks and set up a beach tent by the water. The sky was drizzly when we got there but the sun came out and it was beautiful by mid morning.

Of course I spent the day watching for fins in the water because Dorian made me watch a shark show with him and now my beach anxiety is through the roof. I finally let him go with Chris out into the waves while I read a book and honesty it was so scary. I know it's ridiculous but anxiety doesn't always make sense. I'm sure many of you can attest to that one!

All in all it was a great trip! Have you gone to the beach this summer?? Where did you go?



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